Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nintendo Okie Podcast - Episode 95

People, this show was plagued by technical difficulties. I guess Skype hates us. However, I think we had a pretty good show. For the first time in a while, we have four people on the podcast. As the file downloads you can look forward to the following highlights; everyone yells at Mac as he defends Microsoft, I am labeled less of a man because I don’t own a 3DS, we learn that Tony stinks at Mario Kart and Micah just continues to be cool as he reminds us of all the above.

Episode 95
Hosts: Tony, Shelby, Alex, Micah
Run Time: 1:56:25

If you have any questions or comments about the show, send them to podcast@nintendo-okie.com. You can follow us on Twitter for updates about the site. You can also join our Facebook group if you feel lonely. We post some funny videos on our YouTube channel all the time. There are some people talking on our forums too. You should check it out. Don’t forget to listen to our trivia podcast for a chance to win some free games.

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