Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Nintendo Okie Podcast – Episode 266.5

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We have a special podcast for everyone today. I can't really say much about it without causing some sort of spoiler but it involves answering a question that was forgotten from the listener feedback in the most recent episode. Also it involves Shelby and Pringles. Do with that knowledge what you will.

Episode 266.5
Starring - Tony, Joe, Ethan
Run Time - 00:15:21

We love getting emails from all of you just as much as you love sending them to podcast@nintendo-okie.com. We also really enjoy all the conversations with the members of the Facebook group. There is this Twitter thing if you like that too I guess. Oh and YouTube.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Nintendo Okie Podcast – Episode 266

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Another week goes by while two members are still in Japan or Sweden while Shannon is in outer space I guess. This week's crew has Joe discussing Metroid while Tony does the Pokemon Shuffle dance and Ethan is left seeing Shapes of Gray. There is probably a fourth member on this episode but you will have to listen to find out if that is true.

Episode 266
Starring - Tony, Joe, Ethan, (Insert Fourth Member Name Here)
Run Time - 01:27:19

We love getting emails from all of you just as much as you love sending them to podcast@nintendo-okie.com. We also really enjoy all the conversations with the members of the Facebook group. There is this Twitter thing if you like that too I guess. Oh and YouTube.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Nintendo Okie Podcast – Episode 265

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This week Joe gets behind the wheel, Shannon learns how to make an omelet, Tony finds a blue ring but loses power and Ethan abuses an exploit. Would you believe me if I said that we had to stop the episode midway because of a tornado siren? Well we did. Luckily all podcasters were safe and decided to bring you this episode after the tornado passed.

Episode 265
Starring - Tony, Shannon, Joe, Ethan
Run Time - 1:52:54

If you wanted to send us an email telling us how much you love the show or how awesome everyone is you can send that to podcast@nintendo-okie.com. Feel free to join our Facebook group so you can be one of the cool kids. We also have a Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Nintendpals: Episode 13 - Thanks for All the Listens

This week on NintendPals: We discuss the Splatoon Global Test Fire, the latest news about Nintendo’s mobile plans and the newest Amiibo’s that will no doubt be impossible to get. We also make our E3 predictions in a section that Myles manages to introduce in the least excited way possible.

Reminder:  This will be the last episode of Nintendpals to appear in the Nintendo Okie podcast feed.  From this point on direct your podcast service towards the Nintendpals feed in order to keep receiving new episodes.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Nintendo Okie Podcast - Episode 264

Shannon admits to a mountain of shame, Tony tries to find a bird in the dark, Micah actually plays a game and Shelby breaks down the taco wars. If any of this sounds interesting to you (really?) then you've come to the right place. Episode 264 of the Okiecast is ready for your enjoyment. See you on the other side.

Starring - Tony, Micah, Shannon, Shelby
Run time - 1:49:52

We love emails. Do you love emails? Let's share emails! Send them to podcast@nintendo-okie.com. You can share all your awesome video game stories on our Facebook group. You can keep up with us on Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Nintendpals: Episode 12 - Cranky Donkey

In this weeks episode the NintendPals try out a brand new section for the show, they chat about some upcoming games including one that Myles found on a sketchy website and as always we talk about we’ve been spending our playing this week. Also Myles got drunk and played Mario Kart 8 again and Nick had an ill family member.

Episode 12

Monday, May 4, 2015

Nintendo Okie Podcast - Episode 263

This week on the Okiecast, our heroes meet their untimely demise... Oh wait, that's next week. Silly rabbit. THIS week on the show, Tony decides his amiibo are tapped, Shannon calls upon the Ouendan for help, Shelby defies the laws of banana physics and Ethan tiptoes around the term yandere. The podcast is now posted for you listening pleasure. Time for me to make the donuts again.

Starring - Tony, Shannon, Ethan, Shelby
Run time - 2:03:27 (how does this keep happening?!)

This very podcast has an email address; podcast@nintendo-okie.com. You can write to it. You can also join our Facebook group, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow our Twitter feed.