Thursday, June 20, 2013

ZombiU Playcast - Episode 4

Here it is, the fourth and final episode of our ZombiU playcast. Here is the spoiler warning for this show as we talk freely about the game and specifically the ending. Not all of us make it... you'll see what I mean.

Starring - Ethan, Shelby
Run time - 43:49

If y'all enjoyed these podcasts, send an email to and let us know; maybe we will do another show like this in the future. Also, follow us on Twitter to get updates, join the Facebook group to talk with other Okies, subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up on our videos and join our forum for some reason I can't come up with.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Nintendo Okie Podcast - Episode 170

Animal Crossing. E3 2013.

Starring – Animal Crossing
Run time – Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing,

Monday, June 10, 2013

Nintendo Okie Podcast - Episode 169

Animal Crossing: New Leaf wasn’t quite out when we recorded this show. On top of that, E3 is this week. That’s not a good combination. We got another three man show this week with different people again. We had a good time recording this one. I hope y’all enjoy it.

Starring – Tony, Ethan, Shelby
Run time – 1:52:05

I’m so tired. I’ve been playing New Leaf all day. Here are the links. Forgive me if I don’t come up with a clever way to introduce them;, Facebook group, Twitter, YouTube, forum.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

ZombiU Playcast - Episode 3

This week we cover even more spoilers about ZombiU. Somethings go boom, some cry, some squawk but all of them are ZombiU. We also discuss some of our cheap deaths. This episode has a helicopter in it. Guess what happens...

Starring - Tony, Ethan, Shelby
Run time - 30:52

Tell us about your ZombiU happenings, is the email address. You can also keep up with us on Twitter, Facebook and our forum. If you watch YouTube, we have a channel.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Nintendo Okie Podcast - Episode 168

We play musical chairs this week as we have another three-man show; but we change who the three are. No Micah this week but instead you can listen to Shannon, Tony and myself talk about ZombiU, Poker Night 2, Oracle Of Seasons, Mega Man/Sonic and Mario vs. DK. We also make fun of ourselves a lot and intercept a transmission from aliens… or something like that.

Starring – Tony, Shannon, Shelby
Run time – 1:15:08

We have an email address you should use; You can also use our Facebook group to ask us a question. That seems to be a thing people are doing. You could probably do the same on Twitter but I don’t remember anyone doing that. I guess you could be the first. Watch our YouTube channel! It’s good. We have a forum. It’s dead.