Sunday, July 29, 2012

Nintendo Okie Podcast - Episode 126

We got a long show for you today, folks.  This week, Tony, Micah and I are joined by Mr. Bad Game Beat Bown himself, Greg Little.  We talk about games of course, but at some point we go off on a tangent about junk food; Pop-Tarts, Cheetos, Doritos and a lot of other wonderful stuff.  I could talk about this podcast’s relevant information for a video game site, but y’all can figure that part out for yourselves.

Episode 126
Hosts: Tony, Shelby, Micah, Greg
Run Time: 2:06:56

If you feel you must voice your opinion about Pop-Tarts, send an email to  You can talk about Cheetos on our Facebook group.  Feel free to tweet us about Doritos right after you join our forum discussion about tacos.  Next week we are planning a ten minute video about donuts.  You should get ready for that.  Junk food trivia (maybe).

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Nintendo Okie Podcast - Episode 125

We couldn’t get the whole crew to sit down at the same time this week, so what you have here is two different podcasts glued together.  First off, Tony and Shannon do the standard WIYW and news segments and then Micah and I give an on the scenes report of Tokyo In Tulsa.  Normally I would write about what’s on the show but I have only heard bits of Tony and Shannon’s segments.  I could tell you about Micah and I, but that doesn’t seem fair.  I guess you’ll just have to listen for yourself.

Episode 125
Hosts: Tony, Shelby, Shannon, Micah
Run Time: 1:40:41

Send your questions and feedback to  You can keep up with us by following us on Twitter or joining our Facebook group.  We have our awesome YouTube channel and a pretty friendly forum.  We also do a trivia podcast.  It’s pretty cool.

Monday, July 16, 2012

NIntendo Okie Podcast - Episode 124

Why do we spend so much time talking about yo-yos on this episode?  How come nobody has ever made a yo-yo video game?  Who knows.  Anyway, this week on the podcast we have the full crew, plus one as Will makes an appearance.  We cover games, yo-yos and news.  Not necessarily in that order.  Somehow we talk about that Doug cartoon too.  I’m not even sure how that happened.

Episode 124
Hosts: Tony, Shelby, Micah, Shannon, Will
Run Time: 1:52:17

Let your voice be heard, faithful listener.  Send an email to and we will read it on the show.  Don’t forget to find us on all your favorite social networking sites.  Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.  If none of that is enough, you can talk on our forums and listen to our trivia podcast.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Nintendo Okie Podcast - Episode 123

We all survived blowing stuff up this year.  Whew.  In celebration of our celebration, we recorded a podcast.  This week we talk about Yakuza 3, Feel The Magic and Pokémon Conquest.  In the news we talk about Sony’s purchase of Gaikai, the new Club Nintendo rewards, another case of regionblockitis and $1.3 million worth of games.  How could you afford the jumbo sized show?

Episode 123
Hosts: Tony, Shelby, Shannon
Run Time: 1:47:37

Send all those awesome email questions to  Follow us on Twitter and join our Facebook group.  Subscribe to our YouTube channel and chat on our forum.  Also, listen to The Question Block.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nintendo Okie Podcast - Episode 122

‘Tis the season to make things asplode in the name of freedom, folks.  While I can’t guarantee your mp3 playing device will self-destruct while listening to this show, I also can’t guarantee it won’t.  Try to not thinking about that during this whole show.  As you’d expect, we cover the games we’ve been playing and the news of the week.  No Shannon this week.  No Will to fill the void.  Just Tony, Micah and me.  We do our best to entertain y’all.

Episode 122
Hosts: Tony, Shelby, Micah
Run Time: 1:25:22

We want your questions.  Ask us anything.  Send an email to  We want to give you stuff.  Listen to The Question Block.  We want to tweet to you.  Follow us on Twitter.  We want you to watch our videos.  Subscribe to our YouTube channel.  We want to network with you.  Join our Facebook group.  We want to talk to you over the internet.  Join our forum.